The Impact of Promoting Consumer Purchasing Behavior
an Empirical Study on Commercial Centers in Jeddah
Page 40-68
Malak Salih Hussain
Assistant Professor, College of Business, University of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
ORCID profile: Malak Hussain
Objectives: The study aimed to measure the extent to which consumer behavior and his decision to buy were enhanced, because promotion is one of the most important elements of the marketing mix and is of great importance in increasing sales. Methodology: The study was conducted in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. It targeted a sample of final consumers of various consumer and household products in a number of commercial centers in Jeddah. Information and data were taken by questionnaire and interview. (sample size 65, 2020). The finding: The presence of advertising promotion helps to increase the consumer’s culture in how he buys the advertised goods and products and how to purchase them in a way that helps in achieving his requirements and satisfying the consumer’s desires. Novelty: The study showed the importance of promotion among many consumers in the mentioned centers.
Keywords: Promotion, consumer, Purchasing, behavior, Commercial Centers…Dr_.-Malak.pdf